Does good IAQ make our space safe

Over the past few years, we have seen a lot of companies create dashboards to display indoor air conditions such as Relative Humidity, Particulate, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Carbon Dioxide. These are all great indicators and if each item is maintained within a certain range a building’s air quality can be quantified and displayed.

A building’s indoor air quality will help reduce our chances of developing sick building syndrome which causes us to feel sick while inside a building or worse we could get a building-related illness in which we feel sick even after leaving the building and can result in long term health effects. So, a building’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) plays an important role in our overall health. As sensing technology continues to improve, we are continuously upgrading our building systems to include new sensing technology such as SARS_COV_2 which can lead to the development of COVID-19.

Although we can sense the IAQ within a space, it becomes irrelevant if we do not adjust our HVAC systems to try and improve the IAQ within our space. But with all this technology are our spaces safe for reducing the spread of airborne diseases? To answer this question, we must take indoor air quality measurement to a new level which includes Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling of airflow patterns and life of virus analysis, probability of infection analysis, and utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning algorisms to control our building’s HVAC equipment to predict a buildings probability of infection and react proactively.

The types of HVAC equipment we can install range from UVC lights, Improved filtration, Heat Recovery Ventilators, Hepa Towers, and Humidification equipment. By installing this equipment and using AI controls strategies we are able to be proactive in managing our HVAC equipment which will reduce the probability of infection between occupants and control our energy consumption at the same time.

Atlabach Consulting is a world leader in providing Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling of virus transmissions within a building along with Probability of Infection Analysis to fully understand the health and safety of your occupants currently and afterward.


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